Big Fat Sorry With Cherries On top.

K,guys,i am terribly soory for not updating my blog..It's hard nowadays..Well,thanks syg for changing my blogskin..LOVE it..hehe..

Well.last Friday already got present..Erm,birthday present..hehe..I got dale!heheh..Thanks shyg!Well,i'll update dale's picture..I promise..My anak tauu!haha.

Well,currently at zap it,and haix,yea,gtg soon..And,tomorrow's the day!hehe..I swear,i can't wait!

Lastly,i love u,azri,naqibah,kak tee,fidah..haha..and,i love my son!dale!hehe..

Sorry once again..mwuuah!lup u!and,thanks syg for sweet!


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